Our Ambitions

The Vision

Our vision is of a church that really plays its part in the heart of our village and the surrounding parish.

We are working towards this in partnership with the Parochial Church Council (PCC) and many inspiring and committed people in our community and beyond.

The challenge

Our immediate challenge was to make the church weather-tight. Then its facilities must be improved.

Necessary repairs are based on the five-yearly church architect’s inspection (The Quinquennial Inspection Report).  The works we have supported and those now being planned are all categorised as very urgent. We support the PCC in its desire to improve the church and provide it with facilities that encourage use by the wider community. One step at a time…

There are several phases:

  • Phase one focused on the tower and windows.  The Tick Tock appeal was specifically for the tower.
  • Phase two also followed their architect's advice with the PCC focussing next on the nave ceiling which has suffered very serious deterioration. A survey of the ceiling was made in November 2021.  The PCC, with the help of HCCF and the National Churches Trust, has made urgent repairs highlighted in the report.
  • Repairs are also needed to some of the contents of the church. The clock is undergoing restoration and modernisation. The wonderful Henry Willis (’Father Willis’) organ has been out of action for some years: a very special treasure that, if repaired, could allow for organ concerts and more. Thanks to a generous donation we commissioned two comprehensive inspections and the PCC also took advice from the Diocese’s Organ Advisor. We know what needs to be done – for now it waits in the queue of works. (Click here to read more about the organ, including the Organ Advisor’s report and why it is out of action).

Ideas are at an early stage on how we could expand the use of the church. With answers to the first crucial question about vision: ‘what do we all want to use the church FOR?’ the PCC can decide what life in and around the church would look like to realise that vision. That will lead to them being able to decide what improvements and other repairs are needed, and in what order. A basic kitchen, a toilet and accessibility for all appear essential for opening the church to wider use.

How we can help

Our Tick Tock Appeal started on 18 August 2018 and ran to the end of that year. We have continued to work closely with the PCC to assist them in engaging with our community and raising funds for the next pieces of work. We raise funds from our community directly and also support the PCC to secure external grant funding. We run community events to raise money and to have a good time.

Our Progress

The Fundraising Group was set up in 2016, formed a charity at the beginning of 2017 and started raising funds for church repairs straight away. In our first eighteen months we supported the PCC to plan work, raise tenders, agree contracts and liaise with the architect. The PCC was then able to take back much of this work, freeing up the HCCF to work with the community and raise funds.

The table here shows works completed by the PCC with HCCF support from 2018 to 2022.








Repair to vault in churchyard




Inspection of main ceiling




Electrification, repair and reinstatement of tower clock plus repair works to clock chamber floor and ceiling beam




Repairs to north and west windows




Repairs to tower roof, walls and floor




Organ inspection










(30% of total costs)



In addition HCCF have made the following contributions towards other church costs:
£1,809 towards ongoing maintenance costs
£4,411 as contributions from specific events towards insurance and utility costs.

More help has been given by a range of charitable trusts and individuals. Click here to see information about this.

Our first-ever Capital Appeal helped to get much of this going, including securing external grant funding. This is in addition to our normal, year-round, fundraising because we asked you to help directly with the cost of very specific things. Much of that work has now been done and we have the rest in sight. We are determined to give you confidence that your money will be spent well.

We will continue to update this page as we make progress. Come back soon!

If you would like to help, please click here.

Your help

There are lots of ways you can help, or perhaps you are helping already - by donating, by volunteering with events, maintenance, communications, deliveries and more. We hope you will carry on, and be creative about how we can make our church a real jewel in our midst.

If you’d like to make a suggestion, or ask a question, then please do contact us.