Your money and how we spend it

A formal annual return is made to the Charity Commission each year, for the year to 31 March. Click here to see the Annual Report and Statement of Accounts for the most recent year, to 31st March 2020.

That statement shows that we ended the year with nearly £60,000 in reserves. It is the Trustees’ policy to retain a reserve of 10% or £2,000 (whichever is the higher) of total unrestricted funds for unexpected calls on funds. The rest can be spent in line with our charitable purposes (see here for more on this).

During the four years to 31 March 2021 income of £71,500 has been generated from the following:
Tick Tock Appeal £41,000
Concerts, talks, quizzes etc £8,000
Christmas Tree festivals £8,000
Open gardens and craft fairs £4,500
Sales of cards and calendars £3,000
Sales of Harberton Cookbook £2,000
Donations and sponsorship £5,000

From this, we have contributed £12,000 towards the cost of works on the church tower and windows and have subsequently advanced a further £4,700 towards the clock floor works and future maintenance. £2,400 is also committed towards the ceiling inspection starting in November 2021.

The church architect has recently completed his 5-yearly inspection and the Parochial Church Council will be reviewing the report in late 2021 and prioritising the works that need to be done.

All our funds will be available to the Parochial Church Council, through requests from their Treasurer.